Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My thoughts on "Lolita"

Hey everyone!
So, today I'd like to talk to you guys about "lolita". No, not the book by Vladimir Nabokov, I mean the Japanese street fashion.
Now, I personally don't wear lolita clothing, but would love to start wearing it! But, mind you, I wouldn't be wearing the "Sweet Lolita" clothing, like so:

Ok...maybe the blue ones...but NOT THE PINK ONES!!! I absolutely despise the color Pink!!  But, I would most definitely
wear the "gothic lolita" clothing. XD
Like So:
Anyway, back to my point, I really like this style and would totally dress like that (If I had the money to buy such amazing things...)
So that's really all I've got to say for now, so I will talk to you all very soon.
Until then,
- AbiTheOtakuGirl