Saturday, January 31, 2015

Animaritme 2014

Hey guys!
So, today I'm going to talk about the anime convention I went to this last summer; Animaritime 2014. I wanted to write this post months ago, but things got in the way and I just forgot about it.
I had a lot of fun during that weekend; I even met a few bronies that I actually still keep in touch with today. I even dressed as Rainbow Dash during the convention. So, if ever any of you guys are in the maritimes in late June; you should totally try to make it to Animaritime! Here are some pictures that I took during that weekend.
This is what I was wearing Saturday and Sunday during the Con :D

Like I said, met a lot of bronies during that weekend, and I couldn't help taking pictures of them, so sorry for the lack of non-pony related cosplay pictures. Anyway, that's all for now guys, so until next time!


Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Little More About Me

Hey everyone! So today, I decided to kind of introduce myself a bit so that you can know a bit more about me. (Okay, truth is, I got bored so this is what happened!)

1. Taken or single? Single
2. Straight/bi/gay? um...Ima put 'Bi-curious' seeing as I'm going through a time in my life where I am sorta 'questioning' myself so...yeah
3. How tall are you? 5'3
4. Favorite color? Black
5. Birthday? March 1st
6. Eye color? Hazel
7. Failed a class? No
8. Kissed a boy? Yes
9. Kissed a girl? No
10. Did drugs? Nope (unless you count insulin as a drug...)
11. Smoked weed? Nope
12. Smoke cigarettes? No
13. Smoked a cigar? No
14. Drank alcohol? Nope
15. Been to a wedding? I think I've been to one wedding, but I was like 3 years old...
16. Favorite tv show? My Little Pony, Glee, Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, Death Note, Sailor Moon, Bleach, Kuroshitsuji, Ouran High School Host Club & Fullmetal Alchemist
17. Kissed in the rain? Nope
19. Been on a road trip for more than 5 hours? Yes from New-Brunswick,Canada to Massachusetts
20. Got my heart broken?'s a bit complicated to explain...
21. Hate someone? I try to 'love and tolerate' everyone, but sometimes you just can't, so I can honestly say I do dislike some people
22. Cut myself? Nope
23. Any scars? not that I can tell...
24. Ever been close to death? No
25. Been on a diet? Nope
26. Stayed up for more than 24 hours? I don't really's possible
27. Been to a concert? No, but I want to really badly
28. Ever had a crush on the same sex? Not really
29. Wore make-up? Yep
30. Snuck out the house? Yup
31. Dyed my hair? A friend of mine calls me 'Rainbow Dash' because I have blue, purple and pink in my hair and it like turned into almost all the colors of the rainbow, so yeah (It's mostly faded now though)
32. Met someone famous? I've met Brad Swaile (Light Yagami from Death Note) at an Anime convention
33. Been on a airplane? Nope
34. Have a crush? Not really...sorta...ish...  
36. Ever lost a loved one? Yes
37. Any brothers or sisters? I have a 7 year old she-demon...I mean 7 year old sister lol
38. Lefty or righty? Right handed
39. Biggest fear? Snakes. Definitely Snakes
40. Did you lie on any of these? No
If there is anything that I didn't mention in this that you would like to know about, let me know and I will answer it. :)
So until next time!


Friday, January 23, 2015

Leelah Alcorn

Hey Guys, I know I said the next post on here would be about Animaritime and that was months ago? Yeah, I forgot. Sorry :) (By the way, Happy late New Year/Holdays guys, hope yours were as awesome as mine)
Anyway, today I wanted to talk about Leelah Alcorn. Now, for those of you who may not know, Leelah was a 17 year-old transgender who committed suicide on December 28th. Now, this story really struck me when I first heard of it. Leelah posted a suicide note on Tumblr in which I read a few times, and it actually brought me close to tears. Now, this struck me because I myself am...I don't want to say 'bi-curious', but that's the only word I can really think of to describe my sexuality. (That or Pansexual...) anyway back to my point here; so because of my part in the LGBTQ community, it hurt me to think that this girl killed herself because her parents weren't okay with her being a girl and not the boy they had when she was born. So, because of Leelah's death, me and my friends did a day of silence (or at least we tried to) in her honor. We also wrote 'Rest in Power' on our wrists. Leelah was indeed an inspiration to many people-myself included who dedicated fan art to her, songs even. I myself wrote a poem and dedicated to her on Wattpad. (I'll add the link below for those of you who might be interested in reading it) It's tragic that Leelah had to end her life for people to try and change the way the LGBTQ community are treated. So, I guess the moral here is, if you are gay, lesbian, bi-whatever sexuality you may have- and are feeling suicidal or afraid to come out or are having issues with your loved ones supporting you, just know you are not alone and there is always someone to talk to! (If any of you want to talk to me about this kinda stuff, I don't mind at all. you can email me facebook me, Tweet me, talk to me on Tumblr-whatever floats your boat- I'm willing to listen and try to help you as much as I can <3 )
So that's really all I had to say in this post, so I will leave links to all them accounts I have as well as the poem I mentioned below all this so please feel free to add me or message me about literally anything. I won't bite. Promise (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
OH! I forgot to mention, I made a little tribute video for Leelah. It's not much, but if you guys want to see it, it's just below this sentence. :)

That's all for today guys, so until next time!


My Instagram: (Not much on it though!)
The Poem: (The Title is 'Broken')