Friday, April 25, 2014

A month an a half!!!

Hey guys!
Anyway, I'm not exactly sure where you guys are all from, but in my home (Canada) we students got about a month and a half of school left. We finish around mid-June and then it's summer vacation. I am happy that the year is almost done...  Not to mention the week after all school is done (we fisnish about a week before elementary schools do) it's ANIMARITIME 2014!! I am super excited for it! I even ordered an organization XIII coat the other day and can't wait to get it! (I'm gonna be Zexion from the Kingdom Hearts series) here's a pic of him: 

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, so if you have any ideas as to what I should talk about, drop me a line at 
This is AbiTheOtakuGirl making an exit! XD 


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


hey guys!
Sorry for not updating recently but I have an ok excuse:
First, I had no ideas whatsoever to talk about in my next post AND I have been without power since 10:30PM Sunday night so I didn't even have access to the internet...
I hope you guys can forgive me. oh! also, if YOU have any ideas as to what I should write about, send me a message @ I'm also on Twitter:
So drop me a line seeing as I am running out of ideas and I want to hear what YOU want to read on here so yeah, that's about it for today!
